Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fresh & Easy Design-A-Bag Contest

Over 1,300 bag submissions were made, only 8 bags left on Design-A-Bag Idol. Who will be the final winner receiving free groceries for a year and getting to see their bag printed in every store? Well, we'll just have to wait and see. You can visit Fresh & Easy's website to vote on your favorite designs. 

Good News: This was the first design contest that I've ever entered. I had a fun time designing my bags and I'm really pleased on how they turned out. Adobe Illustrator isn't one of my favorite programs, so it was nice to get creative using it to enjoy it more. 

I'd have to say sometimes it feels good to let yourself go and design what YOU want. When I was creating my bags the only thing that ran through my head was: "What would I like to see on a bag? What would I buy?" So, that is what I designed... Well, of course a beach scene or flowers would have been better but I had to stick with the company's theme too. haha.

It was fun and I learned a lot. I'm very happy I participated in this contest and now I'm looking for more contests to enter. I also had a lot of fun getting creative with my design co-workers who also designed bags. We won in my heart! =P

Bad News: Tear down my eye. My co-workers and I didn't get into the top 8. Next time! Next time!

Sadly, I don't think the top 8 designs were the best though. I wouldn't see them in the corner of my eye and think, I need to have that bag [girl talk "SUPER CUTE"]. I wish the dog one would have been a cute happy dog instead of a mean angry looking dog, and then I'd vote on that one. I'm not sure what they were looking for or who picked the top 8 designs, because these aren't my favorite.

I'm happy for the winning designers though and I cannot wait for them to have their bags in the store, that would be a such an honor. It will also be nice to have free food for a year! WHOO HOO! I hope it goes to someone who could really use the free food, then I'm ever extra happy for them.

Here are the bag designs I made:

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