Monday, March 08, 2010

Social Media... A Fad?

The other day I was thinking about social networking and it has effected my life.

I remember when I first learned about myspace, it was "sooooo cool". It was very important to most people to have a profile that looked cool with tons of graphics/backgrounds/icons.  When I joined it was even more important for me to have a custom profile because I was this big hot shot graphic designer, I couldn't have anyone beat me in graphics. Maybe that sounds silly to you, but in my head I wanted to have the best and custom graphics/backgrounds/icons in the whole town.  I didn't want to look like a fool with generic stuff.

I remember using those websites to generate code, checking the page source of profiles to see their code, and who knows what else I did. All I know is that I just had to be the best. How embarrassing, but I would sometimes stay up late fixing code to my profile to make sure it looked it's best.

But in the end, I was learning how to code webpages better and better over time. I was also learning more on making web banners and stuff that people would like to see [marketing].  So, personally I think myspace has a lot to do with my website training. Sounds stupid? Well, I was always pushing to be the best trying to learn new things and it paid off. Now I know how to do a lot of things, that I would have never learned in school. Ha, I should add myspace to my resume [how funny would that be?].

Maybe not too funny... I ran into this video today and it is pretty serious on the social networking stats of the world. Hmmm... When you told your boss you should have a company myspace/facebook and they laughed in your face a year ago I wonder who is laughing now? Almost everyone has a facebook/twitter/youtube now and they could have gotten a head start.  According to this video, it looks like everyone is linked in via social networking.  Just watch and see. We are in a digital age and that's no lie. I'm glad I have knowledge that can help me succeed in the digital world.

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