Friday, October 29, 2010

Back to the Future 25 Year Anniversary!

Roads... Where we're going we don't need roads!

Here is one of the original movie trailers [edited for the scream awards] for Back to the Future for you to enjoy before you continue the blog article.

Back to the Future has been and always will be one of my all time favorite movies. It's one of my go to movies if I'm in a mood for something... AWESOME! It is also one of the only movies I remember seeing in the theater as a young'n.  What can go wrong in a film that has super cool catch phrases, great jokes, and time travel [and of course a wicked awesome DeLorean time machine]?

Speaking of time... have you been counting the years you have been watching this iconic trilogy? I'll have you know it is the 25 year anniversary this year. It doesn't seem that long ago, does it?

I gave an ear to ear smile when I found out that AMC was showing Back to the Future. I'll be honest with you, I whipped out my credit card and did some online ticket purchasing right then and there! I was two dance moves away from doing the raise the roof infront of my co-workers.

Lucky for me, this wasn't the first time I've seen Back to the Future in the theater in the 2000's. A year or two ago a theater in Scottsdale was playing old movies, guess what made the lineup? Yep, my precious Back to the Future along with other goodies but oldies like The Wedding Singer. My friend Trevor was the one who found this movie diamond in the ruff, I give many many thanks.

Are you excited to read more about Back to the Future? I know I am, haha!  More facts about me and my fav film could probably fill an entire book [maybe if you used a big font and double spaced lines... but still, I bet you could do it]... I may or may not have dressed up as Marty McFly for halloween a few years back. My friend Melissa dressed up as Doc Emmett Brown and we were the life of the party [or so we thought, haha!]. I also made a hover-board for the costume - it was EPIC! Let me know if you want the vector hoverboard file to download to make your own hoverboard skateboard.

Knowing my love for the Back to the Future Trilogy my friend Melissa [the same friend who dressed up as Doc for halloween with me] and her husband gave me a hot wheels DeLorean for Christmas last year. I was so happy that I got teary-eyed when I opened it. How silly is that, haha? I have it on display, but I did open it so I could hold it and keep it in my purse. I would like to find another one and keep it in the box, I've only been able to find the gold ones at the store [I have 4 gold ones in the box]. If you find one or have one you don't want, let me know and I'll buy it from you [or you can just give it to me because I'm so cool].

Monday night was the showing of Back to the Future and was so I excited I could have pee'd my pants [not really, but maybe?]. I even went into work early that day so I could leave early to get a good spot in line. I arrived early as planned so I could camp out and guess what? I was the first person there! The checkout guy thought I was off my wits for being there so early! There wasn't a line or anything, so I hit up the Pac Sun next door [2-4-1! Shopping at my favorite store and watching my favorite movie, YES!]. By the time I was done shopping my date had arrived, couldn't have planned it better. We headed into the empty theater and scored my favorite seats [front and center... in the seats with the bar so you can put your feet up without kicking people's heads or getting the stink eye from staff]. Near the time of the feature presentation of Back to the Future the theater got so packed we were asked to move in [no empty seats between you and other people... cootie-fest!] because it was sold out. I count my lucky stars we went early, it's not like I have a time machine of my own to use for "emergencies" like that. I may have been sitting by weird people, but it's the price you pay to see a good show these days. I was kind of hoping we would have movie previews from the 80's too, how cool would that of been? Maybe they could have sold us some tab to drink as well?

Funny, I don't know if I have been paying attention or something but the quality of Back to the Future that night was amazing [Life-changing]! I know they did some photo adjustments for the blu ray version, but this was insane... the good kind of insane of course. The video was so sharp that I could make out all of the stores in the parking lot, I could see pores on the skin [and the bad makeup job they ALL had, including the men], I could even see a nasty spit chunk land on Doc's mouth near the end of the movie. Super gross right? I'm not sure if my DVD/Tape collection at home is poor quality because I also noticed CROOKED TEETH left and right. Everyone in this movie had really bad teeth, like WHOAA bad! Having crooked teeth isn't bad or anything... I'm just wondering how I missed that detail for 25 years? I'm seriously considering a blu ray player after seeing that quality of film. Or maybe not, kinda too close and personal at times. Another cool thing about the new version is the intro is DIFFERENT, it was AWESOME! I'm soo buying it!

I'm also pretty excited about the free Back to the Future poster they gave out that Monday night. I'll be framing that along side my Sex and the City movie poster. I'm thinking I need more wall space...

Interesting fact: Did you know Eric Stoltz was the original Marty McFly? You gotta check out this crazy video with him in the scenes. You can read more about what happened on this blog. [Screen Rant Blog].

To give thanks for one of the greatest movies of all time that has touched so many lives in a postive way, you should donate to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. BE PART OF THE ANSWER!

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