Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hidden Print Cost Secrets!!!!

Being an awesome graphic artist, photographer, and cool person in general I come across the issue of needing to print things off, a lot. If you're like me you just find the closest and fastest place and print your documents off, thinking your getting a smoke'n deal. Odds are you're paying more than double the price! Are the tears rolling down your eyes yet? Grab a tissue and read below and get ready to save the big bucks!

I used to go to FedEx Kinkos for my printing but after making some calls for a friend who needed a lot of posters printed, I found out that Staples is seriously 1/2 the price! CHA-CHING BABY...can you feel the cash making your wallet bulge open? Can you even believe it? Staples is 1/2 the price in everything I needed and they also make rubber stamps [same day] which is total radness in my book! I think the final price for a laminated poster was around $30. The only bummer part about Staples is that they don't have their print stuff really on the web and their emails don't accept big files either. You'll have to use yousendit or something to get them your stuff if it's too big and they wont accept stuff on your server due to security reasons [or so they said to me, maybe I sound sady on the phone]. They did however except yousendit, so consider this your heads up. Staples really needs to get with the technology with an ftp uploader like everyone else [Maybe that's why they are so cheap?].

I recently found out another print secret from my friend Chris. I needed some extremely large photos printed off for a photography competition and he let me know that you could print cheap at Costco. He gave me the hook up and I ended up paying $20 for 4 16"x20" photo prints. As previously stated above, I would have gone to FedEx Kinkos and the price for one that big would have been around $30 and their quality is always iffy.  I got photo quality prints for more than 1/2 the price. Totally Brill printing price secrets right here!

It would be great if you could post any printing tips below so everyone can find the best deals around! Maybe we could be saving even MORE money!!! I could finally buy my pimped out VW beetle with an iPhone adapter stereo system. Consider this blog post an early Christmas gift to you all!

Here is a screen shot of the prices and options at Costco:

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